Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Маринов, М. Ц., Тодоров, Т. Г.
Заглавие: Създаване на мултимедийни модули за интегрирано чуждоезиково обучение
Ключови думи: foreign language teaching, multimedia modules, subtitles, te

Абстракт: Information and communication technologies have become an essential part of our contemporary educational context. They offer an impressive number of innovative tools for maximising students’ involvement in the process of acquiring a foreign language and increasing the level of assimilation of information by synthesising various forms of its representation. Acknowledging the significance of this phenomenon, the authors of the article aim to present some ways and methods used to enhance the didactic potential and functionalities in FLT through creating multimedia resources by processing and integrating limited sources (for example, only text or only sound) and transforming them into multimedia modules. In other words, this is a process of transition from 2D to 3D models. The result is creating an exceptionally stimulating student-centered and flexible learning environment involving a high level of interactivity, autonomy and independence and effectively suited to all kinds of learners,



    Proceedings of TU-Sofia, том Volume 71, брой 2, стр. стр. 27-31, 2021, България, София, Издателство на Технически университет - София, ISSN: 2738-8549/DOI: 10.47978/TUS.2021.71.02.005

    Пълен текст на публикацията

    Autors: Marinov, M. T., Todorov, T. G.
    Title: Creating Multimedia Modules for Integrated Language Learning
    Keywords: foreign language teaching, multimedia modules, subtitles, text-to-speech synthesis, voice recognition

    Abstract: Information and communication technologies have become an essential part of our contemporary educational context. They offer an impressive number of innovative tools for maximising students’ involvement in the process of acquiring a foreign language and increasing the level of assimilation of information by synthesising various forms of its representation. Acknowledging the significance of this phenomenon, the authors of the article aim to present some ways and methods used to enhance the didactic potential and functionalities in FLT through creating multimedia resources by processing and integrating limited sources (for example, only text or only sound) and transforming them into multimedia modules. In other words, this is a process of transition from 2D to 3D models. The result is creating an exceptionally stimulating student-centered and flexible learning environment involving a high level of interactivity, autonomy and independence and effectively suited to all kinds of learners,



      Proceedings of TU-Sofia, vol. Volume 71, issue 2, pp. 27-31, 2021, Bulgaria, Sofia, Technical University of Sofia Publishing House, ISSN: 2738-8549/DOI: 10.47978/TUS.2021.71.02.005

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