Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Райков К. Т., Таков, Т. Б.
Заглавие: Модернизация на жичен бондер за опроводяване на полупроводникови чипове
Ключови думи: wire bonding, bonder, microelectronics

Абстракт: Research of new materials used in micro and nanoelectronics includes their bondability. This can be achieved by controlling the parameters of wire bonding process in a wide range but with the accuracy needed. To achieve these objectives in the present work problems will be addressed in the construction of modern electronic control system of automatic wire bonder type AB300.



    Национален Форум Електронни, Информационни и Комуникационни Системи ЕИКС 2013, брой 1, стр. стр. 46-50, 2013, България, София, ISSN 1314-8605

    Пълен текст на публикацията

    Autors: Raykov K. T., Takov, T. B.
    Title: Modernization of wire bonder for wiring of semiconductor chips
    Keywords: wire bonding, bonder, microelectronics

    Abstract: Research of new materials used in micro and nanoelectronics includes their bondability. This can be achieved by controlling the parameters of wire bonding process in a wide range but with the accuracy needed. To achieve these objectives in the present work problems will be addressed in the construction of modern electronic control system of automatic wire bonder type AB300.



      Национален Форум Електронни, Информационни и Комуникационни Системи ЕИКС 2013, issue 1, pp. 46-50, 2013, Bulgaria, Sofia, ISSN 1314-8605

      Full text of the publication

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