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# Автор
8751 Koparanov, K. A., Georgiev, K. K., Shterev, V. A., Minkovska, D. V., Improving Predictions of Long Sequences by Hyperparameter Tuning (2022)
8752 Shterev, V. A., Metchkarski, N. S. M., Koparanov, K. A., Time Series Prediction with Neural Networks: a Review (2022)
8753 Angelova, R. A., Design of weave patterns: when engineering textiles meets music (2017)
8754 Velichkova, R. T., Stankov, P. Y., Angelova, R. A., Simova, I. S., Markov, D. G., Influence Of Indoor Pollution And Parameters On Human Health (2019)
8755 Boycheva, S. V., Chakarova, K., Mihaylov, M., Hadjiivanov, K., Popova, M., Effect of calcium on enhanced carbon capture potential of coal fly ash zeolites. Part II: a study on the adsorption mechanisms (2022)
8756 Tarulli, M. D., Nikolova, E., Venkov, G. P., Decay in energy space for the solution of fourth-order Hartree-Fock equations with general non-local interactions (2022)
8757 Romansky, R. P., An approach for optimized architectural design of virtual local area network (2022)
8758 Venkov, G. P., Tarulli, M. D., Nikolova, E. M., Decay in energy space for the solutions of generalized Schrödinger-Hartree equation perturbed by a Potential (2022)
8759 Venkov, G. P., Tarulli, M. D., Nikolova, E. M., On the magnetic radial Schrodinger-Hartree equation (2022)
8760 Venkov, G. P., Tarulli, M. D., Nikolova, E. M., A note on the decay in the energy space of the radial solution to the forth-order NLS on the wavegades Rd x T (2022)
8761 Янева, С. Ц., Николова В., Структура и състав на пожарникарска екипировка използвана в обекти от критичната инфраструктура (2022)
8763 Dimitrijević M.S., Christova, M. D., Sahal-Bréchot, S., On the similarities of Stark broadening parameters within a Fe XXV multiplet (2022)
8764 Dimitrijević M.S., Christova, M. D., Sahal-Bréchot, S., Stark broadening of Si II spectral lines: comparison with experimental results (2022)
8765 Dimitrijevic M. S., Christova, M. D., Yubero C., Sahal-Brechot S., Stark broadening of Fe XXV spectral lines (2023)
8766 Nakov, G. N., Trajkovska B., Zlatev Z., Jukić M., Lukinac J., Quality characteristics of probiotic yoghurt enriched with honey and by-products left after the production of hemp oil by cold pressing the seeds of Cannabis sativa L. (2023)
8767 Nakov, G. N., Temkov, M., Damyanova, S., Ivanova, S., The Effect of Whole Buckwheat Flour Addition on Physico-Chemical Characteristics, Biological Active Compounds and Fatty Acids Profile of Breads (2022)
8768 Georgiev, M. G., Gospodinova, D. N., Milanov, K. G., Georgieva, A. N., Control of modified robotic system for mechanical processing of parts (2022)
8769 Райков, К. В., Постигане на енергийна ефективност при замяна на силовите трансформатори в интелигентните електрически мрежи (2022)
8770 Dahterova, D. S., Nikolova, I. D., Improving the load capacity of cylindrical gears and transmissions by parametric optimal design with CAD/CAM systems (2022)
8771 Дахтерова, Д. С., Николова, И. Д., ТЕОРЕТИЧНО ИЗСЛЕДВАНЕ НА ПРЕСОВО СЪЕДИНЕНИЕ (2022)
8772 Райков, К. В., Основни проблеми, свързани с енергийната ефективност в разпределителните интелигентни електрически мрежи. (2022)
8773 Райков, К. В., Икономия на електроенергия чрез компенсиране на реактивните мощности с кондензаторни батерии. (2022)
8774 Райков, К. В., Определяне на сумарния допустим товар на паралелно работещи трансформатори при изменение в товаровия график. (2022)
8775 Михов Г.С., Ганев, Б. Т., СИСТЕМИ ЗА УПРАВЛЕНИЕ (2022)
8776 Romansky, R. P., Mathematical Model Investigation of a Technological Structure for Personal Data Protection (2023)
8777 Marinov, M. B., Nikolov, D. N., Ganev, B. T., Nikolov, G. T., Environmental noise monitoring and mapping (2017)
8778 Kountchev, R. K., Bekiarski, A. B., Mironov, R. P., Pleshkova, S. G., A Method for Local Contrast Enhancement of Endoscopic Images Based on Color Tensor Transformation into a Matrix of Color Vectors’ Modules Using a Sliding Window (2022)
8779 Kountchev, R. K., Mironov, R. P., Draganov, I. R., Kountcheva, R. A., Multidimensional Signal Processing and Applications-New Approaches (2023)
8780 Draganov, I. R., Mironov, R. P., Video Tracing of Moving Objects by Fusing Three-Term Decompositions (2023)
8781 Kountchev, R. K., Mironov, R. P., Nakamatsu, K., Preface - New Approaches for Multidimensional Signal Processing, NAMSP 2022 (2023)
8782 Стоилов Г. Д,., Николов, Н. Н., Стоилов, Д. Г., Изграждане на електрическа инфраструктура в близост до местообитания на защитени видове птици – част II. Съществуващи практики и правила (2022)
8783 Kuzmanov, N. I., Tsonev, V. T., Nikolov, N. D., Predictive fatigue curve of Inconel 600 wire at 700° C (2022)
8784 Schwicker, M. P., Nikolov, N. D., Fused deposition modeling: From idea to physical part (2022)
8785 Tsonev, V. T., Nikolov, N. D., Penkov, K. I., The Importance of the Initial Diameter on the Mechanical Properties of Steel Rods after Accelerated Corrosion Test (2022)
8786 Tsonev, V. T., Kuzmanov, N. I., Design, Machining and Calibration of a Strain Gauge Loadcell (2022)
8787 Gancheva, V. S., Vetova, S. M., Approach and Concept of Workflow for Animal Husbandry Data Integration and Analysis (2022)
8788 Anguelov, K. P., Kostev, R. S., Methodology for Teaching Human Resource Information Systems in the Training of Management Staff and Entrepreneurs (2022)
8789 Anguelov, K. P., Kostev, R. S., Methodology for Teaching Supply Chain Management Systems in the Training of Entrepreneurs (2022)
8790 Kostev, R. S., Anguelov, K. P., Modern methods of training in national security through Geographic Information Systems (2022)
8791 Павлов, Н. Л., Дацова, Д. И., Анализ на системите за странично наклоняване в превозните средства (2021)
8792 Miroslav Bozhkov., Petkov, P. Z., Yagi Antenna with Minimal Side-Lobe Levels for UHF (2022)
8793 Singh H., Kumar V., Saxena K., Bonev, B. G., Prasad R., Kapse V. M., Computational Intelligent method for Cloud Layer Classification using Millimeter Wave Technology for Designing of 6G Network (2022)
8794 Ангелова, Т., Василева, А. Л., Горанова, Ж., Пенов, Н., Жонисова, M., Сорбционни изотерми на екструдати от нахут (2022)
8795 Ilia I., Beloev H., Terziev, A. K., Georgiev, A. G., Novel flue gases waste heat recovery methodology avoiding wet gas cleaning technologies in thermal power plants (2021)
8796 Terziev, A. K., Panteleev, Y. P., Iliev I., Beloev H., Evaluation of the influence of the windbreak trees on the change of wind shear in weakly complex terrains (2021)
8797 Ilia I., Kowalczyk, Tomasz., Beloev H., Terziev, A. k., Jesionek, Krzysztof Jan., Badur, Janusz., An innovative method for waste heat recovery from flue gas treatment system through an additional economizer (2022)
8798 Zeynally, T., Demidov, D., Dimitrov, L. V., Prioritization of Distributed Worker Processes Based on Etcd Locks (2022)
8799 Zhmud V., Dimitrov, L. V., Trubin V., Hubert, R., Control of Object in the Loop with Feedback Using Imperfect Sensors of Position and Acceleration (2018)
8800 Dimitrov, L. V., Kanturska, S., Features in the selection and operation of AC motors for electric propulsion system in ship (2017)