Autors: Комсалов Г В., Tsenov, G. T., Mladenov, V. M.
Title: Optimisation procedure for determination of the optimal parallel lines for 110 KV electric power distribution systems
Keywords: optimization, grid electric load, system modeling

Abstract: Up to date in several power distribution systems there are main power lines without parallel connection between them. In such cases if there is a fault on some of the lines the consumers attached to the faulty line will be left without electricity. In order to avoid line faults if there are parallel lines interconnecting the main lines this problem can be avoided with electric energy redistribution from the healthy lines. When building such parallel lines in power distribution systems several aspects are to be taken into consideration when the exact connection places are to be determined. These aspects include the length of the parallel line, the type of cable required according to the peak energy consumption. This paper presents an optimisation procedure for determination of the optimal parallel line for connection of the main lines in one exemplar electric grid energy distribution system with three main lines.



    Summer School Advanced aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering Sozopol'12, pp. 117-122, 2012, Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-9487

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