Autors: Hrischev, R. N.
Title: ERP systems and data security
Keywords: ERP, data security

Abstract: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) integrates all business processes in the organization. Therefore, data security is the main point of security in ERP systems. Most of the biggest ERP developers have already implemented specialized hardware and software security solutions. New ITC technologies – cloud computing, IoT, blockchain are opportunities to make the ERP highly integrated, more intelligent, more flexible, cloud based. The fast growing of the e-business is making ERP systems more open and new decisions are needed to be granted information security. This paper introduces ERP technology regarding the data security point of view. New security solutions for ERP systems are present.



    9TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE "TechSys 2020" – ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGIES AND SYSTEMS, vol. 878 012009, 2020, Bulgaria, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, DOI 10.1088/1757-899X/878/1/012009

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