Autors: Kadalev, S. H.
Title: Graphical Toolkit for Easy and Rapid Evaluation of the Residual Heat Generation at Cyclic Operation of a Pool Type Research Reactor
Keywords: residual heat generation, cyclic operational mode

Abstract: The present paper considers the approach to easy and facile evaluation of the residual heat generation in the reactor core of a pool type research reactor after shutdown with taking into account the previous operation cycles at invariably operating cycle parameters. Mathematical model of the process is well-founded selected. The frames of the operational parameters and assumptions of the study are defined. The calculation results of the power of the residual heat generation in the reactor core at different operation powers on a particular work schedule are presented graphically. For each particular work schedule the number of previous working weeks taken into account, the value of correction coefficient and the share of the previous operating cycles in the residual heat generation power are presented in tables. The calculation results are discussed from points a view of the safety analyzes assessment and the nuclear fuel cycle management.



    Thermal Engineering, vol. 65, issue 4, pp. 208–211, 2018, Russia, Pleiades Publishing, ISSN 0040-6015

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