Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Динев, П. Д., Николова, Д. Н.
Заглавие: Energy-effective Regimes of the Technological Corona Discharge
Ключови думи: technological corrona discharge

Абстракт: Air ozonization in closed spaces where many people have stayed - disco clubs, meeting rooms, conference halls, etc., is a technological process that is also a basic component of air conditioning in closed rooms. The possibility of using energy-effective regimes of the corona electrical discharge for technological purposes is demonstrated. The largest quantities of ozone and products of its decomposition are obtained in the area of relatively low burning voltages of the electrical discharge. The additional investigations allow determining a resonance maximum corresponding to ozone generation. This fact creates one more opportunity for choosing an energy-effective technological corona discharge.



    Енергиен форум 2003, стр. стр. 276-279, 2003, България, Варна

    Пълен текст на публикацията

    Autors: Dineff, P. D., Gospodinova, D. N.
    Title: Energy-effective Regimes of the Technological Corona Discharge
    Keywords: technological corrona discharge

    Abstract: ir ozonization in closed spaces where many people have stayed - disco clubs, meeting rooms, conference halls, etc., is a technological process that is also a basic component of air conditioning in closed rooms. The possibility of using energy-effective regimes of the corona electrical discharge for technological purposes is demonstrated. The largest quantities of ozone and products of its decomposition are obtained in the area of relatively low burning voltages of the electrical discharge. The additional investigations allow determining a resonance maximum corresponding to ozone generation. This fact creates one more opportunity for choosing an energy-effective technological corona discharge.



      Energy forum 2003, pp. 276-279, 2003, Bulgaria, Varna

      Full text of the publication

      Вид: публикация в национален форум