Autors: Gechev, T. M., Punov, P. B., Barta, D.
Title: Model Investigation of the Performance of SI ICE Fueled by Gasoline, Methane, Hydrogen and SOFC Anode Off-Gas
Keywords: SOFC, gasoline, hydrogen, internal combustion engine

Abstract: The paper presents a simple 1- D model of a single cylinder spark-ignited internal combustion engine (SI ICE) created by means of the software product Ricardo WaveBuild. The model is applied for the combustion of the anode off-gas (AOG) emitted from a pre-defined solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) that is modelled in a previous study by the same authors. The selected cell is an intermediate-temperature, anode-supported, planar cell with internal reforming of 100% methane fuel. Firstly, the geometrical and operating parameters of the cell and the engine, as well as the composition of the AOG, are presented. Then the resultant chemicals in the AOG are modelled as a synthetic fuel mixture in Ricardo WaveBuild. Finally, analysis of the performance of the modeled engine with four fuels (gasoline, methane, hydrogen and AOG synthetic fuel) is conducted. The engine model assumptions as well as the SOFC-ICE system integration for a cogeneration combined cycle, are also briefly discussed in the paper.


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BulEF 2023, 2023, Bulgaria, IEEE, DOI 10.1109/BulEF59783.2023.10406205

Copyright IEEE

Цитирания (Citation/s):
1. Małek A., Caban J., Stoma M., Dudziak A., Šarkan B., Application of the Metalog Probability Distribution Family to Predict Energy Production by Photovoltaic Systems for the Purposes of Generating Green Hydrogen, (2024) Energies, 17 (15), art. no. 3729 - 2024 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science
2. Małek A., Dudziak A., Caban J., Matijošius J., Probabilistic Analysis of Low-Emission Hydrogen Production from a Photovoltaic Carport, (2024) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 14 (20), art. no. 9531 - 2024 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science

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