Autors: Nikolov, N. D., Tsonev, V. C., Marcheva, Y. S.
Title: S235 Steel Rods Corrosion Behavior According to Their Manufacturing Process

Abstract: The corrosion behavior in 3, 5% NaCl solution of steel rods of grades S235JR (hot rolled) and S235JRC (cold drawn) with a diameter of 6 mm is studied in this article. The two steels are produced by a different technological process and the difference in their structure is established through microstructural analysis. The corrosion behavior is examined by alternate immersion test for up to 189 days. The weight loss and corrosion rate during this period are determined. Photographs of specimens after different durations of corrosion exposure are shown. It is found that the corrosion rate of the two types of rods is approximately the same, but the shape of the corrosion lesions is very different, and the reasons for this are analyzed.


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AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 3129, 2024, ,

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