Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Славова, В. О., Рахнев, И. Р., Филипов Ф.
Заглавие: Интеграционна перспектива на текстилните и хибридните микроелектронни елементи
Ключови думи: textiles, microelectronics, thin films, vacuum technology

Абстракт: Subject of the paper is the simultaneous variation of the electrical and rheological properties of vacuum deposited thin layers on textile substrates: fiber, threads and fabric. The aim of the study is oriented to establish the optimal technological regime and the selection of appropriate combinations of thin layers and textile substrate. Tasks of the work, beyond the trivial activities include: selection of textile substrates of natural origin and substances for thin films; planned experiment of the vacuum deposition of thin films on textile substrates; microscopy and testing of the mechanical reaction and electrical conductivity of laboratory samples in complex deformation.



    Общотекстилна конференция 2014, брой 1, стр. стр. 103-120, 2014, България, София, НТС по ТОК, ISBN 978-954-91951-2-5
    Autors: Raykova, V. O., Raxnev, I. R., Filipov F.
    Title: Integral perspective of the textiles and the hybrid microelectronic elements
    Keywords: textiles, microelectronics, thin films, vacuum technology

    Abstract: Subject of the paper is the simultaneous variation of the electrical and rheological properties of vacuum deposited thin layers on textile substrates: fiber, threads and fabric. The aim of the study is oriented to establish the optimal technological regime and the selection of appropriate combinations of thin layers and textile substrate. Tasks of the work, beyond the trivial activities include: selection of textile substrates of natural origin and substances for thin films; planned experiment of the vacuum deposition of thin films on textile substrates; microscopy and testing of the mechanical reaction and electrical conductivity of laboratory samples in complex deformation.



      General Textile Conference 2014, issue 1, pp. 103-120, 2014, Bulgaria, Sofia, NTS TOK, ISBN 978-954-91951-2-5

      Вид: публикация в национален форум с межд. уч., публикация в реферирано издание, индексирана в национален референтен списък