Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Славова, В. О.
Заглавие: Изследване влиянието на вакуумната метализация върху характеристиките на полимерни мембрани
Ключови думи: ultrafiltration, vacuum metallization, polymer membrane

Абстракт: Were examined, the performance of the composite ultrafiltration membranes which are vacuum metallized using the magnetron sputtering chromium-nickel alloy. For the sake of good adhesion between the polymer membrane and the metal coating is performed prior modification of the polymer surface of the membrane. It is shown as the influence of the time of sputtering on the alloy and the selective transport properties of the membranes.



    Конференция с международно участие, Научни трудове на Русенски Университет „Ангел Кънчев “, том 52, брой 10, стр. стр. 193-196, 2013, България, Разград, РУ " Ангел Кънчев", ISSN 1311-3221
    Autors: Raykova, V. O.
    Title: Investigation of the influence of the vacuum metallization on the performance of the polymer membranes
    Keywords: ultrafiltration, vacuum metallization, polymer membrane

    Abstract: Were examined, the performance of the composite ultrafiltration membranes which are vacuum metallized using the magnetron sputtering chromium-nickel alloy. For the sake of good adhesion between the polymer membrane and the metal coating is performed prior modification of the polymer surface of the membrane. It is shown as the influence of the time of sputtering on the alloy and the selective transport properties of the membranes.



      Conference with international participation, Scientific works of Ruse University "Angel Kanchev", vol. 52, issue 10, pp. 193-196, 2013, Bulgaria, Razgrad, RU-Angel Kanchev, ISSN 1311-3221

      Вид: публикация в национален форум с межд. уч., публикация в реферирано издание, индексирана в национален референтен списък