Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Крумова, М. Й.
Заглавие: Бенчмаркингът като приоритет при усъвършенстване на технологиите за мениджмънт в предприятието
Ключови думи: Benchmarking, technologies, management, enterprise

Абстракт: This paper aims to define the process of improving management technologies through benchmarking and to point out the advantages of the application of benchmarking to achieve the competitiveness of the industrial enterprise. The report focuses on the types of management technologies and the criteria for selecting good technology. Emphasis is placed on the impact of benchmarking on the policy of sustainable development in the enterprise.



    V международна научна конференция Мениджмънт и инженеринг, том 2, брой 97, стр. стр. 107-110, 2007, България, София, ТУ – София, ISSN 1310-3946
    Autors: Krumova, M. Y.
    Title: Benchmarking as a priority in improving the technologies for management in the enterprise
    Keywords: Benchmarking, technologies, management, enterprise

    Abstract: This paper aims to define the process of improving management technologies through benchmarking and to point out the advantages of the application of benchmarking to achieve the competitiveness of the industrial enterprise. The report focuses on the types of management technologies and the criteria for selecting good technology. Emphasis is placed on the impact of benchmarking on the policy of sustainable development in the enterprise.



      V International Scientific Conference Management and Engineering, vol. 2, issue 97, pp. 107-110, 2007, Bulgaria, Sofia, TU - Sofia, ISSN 1310-3946

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