Autors: Vassileva, B. V.
Title: Vassileva, Bistra. HELPING ENGINEERING STUDENTS MASTER THE USE OF SPECIALIZED VOCABULARY WHEN DESIGNING AND DELIVERING PRESENTATIONS WITHIN THE DOMAIN OF THEIR SPECIALIZATION. „Proceedings of the TU – Sofia”. Volume 71. Special Issue "Pedagogical Approaches for Teaching Foreign Languages in a Digital Environment", June 2021. DOI: 10.47978/TUS.2021.71.02.004.
Keywords: communicative competences, presentation skills, linguistic r

Abstract: he ability to deliver effective presentations in one’s professional field is becoming a necessary requirement in many job positions related to the world of technologies and business. Future professionals will need to communicate arguments convincingly and spark genuine interest in audiences in order to achieve their goals. For these reasons they have to master their communicative skills and constantly improve their linguistic resources, especially if they work in multinational companies. The aim of the article is to discuss the difficulties engineering students experience when they have to design and deliver presentations in English in the technical sphere. Through the methods of observation, data collection and analysis it was established that students have problems when they need to use specialized vocabulary items and terminology in their talks. A possible solution to the problem is seen in the suggestion to implement tasks systematically oriented towards the content of the discipl



    „Proceedings of the TU – Sofia”, 2021, Bulgaria, TU – Sofia, DOI 10.47978/TUS.2021.71.02.004.

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