Autors: FARISELLI,P., EUSEBI,A., MARTELLI,P.L., JONES,D.T., CASADIO,R. Title: Improving the prediction of helix-residue contacts in all-alpha proteins Keywords: Neural networks, protein structure prediction, contact maps, Abstract: In structural Bioinformatics a challenge is still to predict structure from sequence and one way to solve this problem is the prediction of protein contact maps.Several step have been described in the last years;however still the prediction is not enough accurate to allow a reliable reconstruction of the 3D structure from the contact map and improvements on previous result are required.Here we focus on the prediction of a specific structural class of proteins,the so-called alpha proteins since specifically for these proteins the prediction accuracy of the contact maps is still lower than those of the other classes.In this paper we address the prediction of the helical residue contacts in all-alpha proteins in order to improve the existing methods.Using a non redundant set of 300 all-alpha proteins we achieve an accuracy of 22% and a coverage of 19%,a result that overpasses by 7 percentage points those obtained by the best performing contact map predictors,presently available. References Issue
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