Оригинал (Original) | |||||
Автори: . Заглавие: Влияние на температурата на обратната мрежова вода върху показателите на ефективност на инсталациите за комбинирано производство Ключови думи: енергийна ефективност Абстракт: In the heat source of the systems, highly efficient technology is used for the combined production of electrical and thermal energy mainly on the basis of steam turbine installations with backpressure turbines or turbines with adjustable steam extractions. Combined production leads to a reduction in fuel consumption (fuel saving)
compared to the separate production of the two energy products. The fuel saving resulting from cogeneration reduces carbon dioxide emissions. Combined production affects the amount of fuel saved, leading to a reduction in emitted emissions, both the size of the heat load allocated to consumers and the temperature of the water that enters from the return pipeline of the district heating systems into the heat source. Библиография Издание
| Autors: . Title: INFLUENCE OF THE TEMPERATURE OF WATER FROM DISTRICT HEATING ON THE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS OF COGENERATION PLANTS Keywords: energy efficiency Abstract: In the heat source of the systems, highly efficient technology is used for the combined production of electrical and thermal energy mainly on the basis of steam turbine installations with backpressure turbines or turbines with adjustable steam extractions. Combined production leads to a reduction in fuel consumption (fuel saving) compared to the separate production of the two energy products. The fuel saving resulting from cogeneration reduces carbon dioxide emissions. Combined production affects the amount of fuel saved, leading to a reduction in emitted emissions, both the size of the heat load allocated to consumers and the temperature of the water that enters from the return pipeline of the district heating systems into the heat source. References Issue
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