19th International Workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
NANO 2017

24 - 25 November 2017




Important Dates

Registration Fees









Dear Attendees,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of NANO’2017 I want to thank you for attending the 19th International workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NANO 2017) held on 24-25.11.2017 at the UCTM-Sofia.
I hope that you found the conference worthwhile, especially the talk on the NMBP WP 2018-2020 given by Dr. Soren Bowadt, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Research & Innovation, European Commission.
The primary goal of this conference was to bring together senior and young researcher, the policy makers, and high-tech business sector to discuss the usage of nanomaterials in various fields including medicine.
I believe that the speakers and poster presenters provided insight how to transfer new knowledge to the industry.
Your scientific contribution helped to make this event a great success and your enthusiasm and positive spirit helped make our time together productive.
If you wish to view photos from the event please visit the conference page by December 10, 2017.
As a reminder, the full-text articles of your presentations will be considered for publication in the peer-reviewed journal "Nanoscience & Nanotechnology – Nanostructured materials application and innovation transfer”, issue 18, (ISSN 1313-8995). Upload your manuscripts directly at the site of the magazine.
The next meeting – the 20th International Conference NANO’2018 – will be a memorable event. You will be notified very soon about the exact dates and place.
I believe that you will be there to celebrate with us!
Prof. Dr. Ana Proykova, Doctor Habilitat
The Organizing Committee

Last changed on 29.11.2017, 12:36:21
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